Showing posts with label visit thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visit thailand. Show all posts

Sunday 27 February 2011

Southern Thailand

Below the Isthmus of Kra was the place of Malay civilizations. Primordial Malay kingdoms are described as tributaries to Funan by 2nd century Chinese sources – though most of them proved to be tribal organizations instead of full-fledged kingdoms.[3] From the 6th century onwards, two major mandalas ruled Southern Thailand – the Kanduli and the Langkasuka. Kanduli centered on what is now Surat Thani Province and Langasuka on Pattani. Southern Thailand was the center of Hinduism and Mahayana. The Tang dynasty monk I Ching stopped at Langkasuka to study Pali grammar and Mahayana during his journey to India around 800 AD. At that time, the kingdoms of Southern Thailand quickly fell under the influences of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya from Sumatra.

Visit of Thailand

                                                       1.History of Thailand
                                                       2..Initial states of Thailand
                                                       3.Ancient Civilizations
                                                       5.Si Kottaboon
                                                       6.Southern Thailand
                                                       7.Classical Era
                                                      10.Arrival of the Tais
                                                      11.Chao Phraya Basin under the Tai
                                                      12.Sukhothai and Lanna
                                                      13.Ayutthaya Period
                                                      14.Thonburi and Bangkok period
                                                      15.End of Absolute Monarchy and Military rule